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About Me

I’ve lived the majority of my adult life in New Jersey, USA and currently reside in Westfield, New Jersey.

I grew up in a military family and we moved around a lot, so I have an innate ability to accept diversity and change, and to adapt accordingly. I’m defined by these character traits as well as  a strong desire to find the best possible outcome in almost any situation. I am a people person and a good communicator so I get along with all types of people from users to CEOs, technical or clerical; they’re all important to the success of your project and all feedback is crucial.

Technically, I’ve been writing code since high school, so I bring nearly 35 years of software development experience to the table. I spent 21 years with the same company, so I’m loyal to the end. I can build you a widget or a full-blown, multi-tiered application or simply advise you. However it is that I can contribute to an awesome outcome, I’m there.

Although I have been developing software for the Healthcare industry for a majority of my career, the skills and aptitudes in my toolkit carry through to just about any venture large or small. I am a Certified Document Imaging Architect [CDIA], which means I know my way around most document imaging and content management systems [CMS]. Although my strength is in development with Agile Methodologies on the Microsoft .NET Platform, I also enjoy building for the Modern Web, meaning highly responsive and intuitive web sites that will run on any PC or mobile device.

I can be your source for all things IT! Let’s see how we can change the world…. or at least your small part of it!

Being real in this world takes guts, vision and a healthy lack of interest in doing the same old, same old. – Unknown

It‘s not that I‘m so smart, it‘s just that I stay with problems longer. – Albert Einstein

My Network

Although I am independent currently, I have access to a tremendous network of individuals in Healthcare and various other industries. I like to think of these smart people as contributors to my success.